WCA Committee, Meetings & Constitution

All Warley residents and other individuals who share our aims and objectives (excluding representatives of associated community organisations or elected/canvassing MPs/Councillors where their support is solely in that capacity) are implicitly defined as Members of the Association. The Members elect Committee Members at the Annual General Meeting to oversee the running of the Association and Committee Meetings are held on average every 6-8 weeks.

Committee meetings are conducted in open forum and attendance is welcomed by all Members plus any representatives of associated community organisations and elected/canvassing MPs/Councillors, but only elected Committee Members are entitled to vote (where a vote is required) on business conducted.   Any Member of the Association is, however, entitled to vote at an Annual or Special General Meeting and can also ask the Chairman to call a Special General Meeting on any issue which may require broader consideration and, as such, a vote by all Members.

Committee Members and Officers are elected for a maximum 2 year term after which they must seek re-election at the AGM.  In normal circumstances Officers can only stand for election if they are a serving Committee Member of at least 6 months standing.  We are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to join our Committee so if you are interested just email us.

The current Committee is:-
June Illingworth – Chair
John White – Vice Chairman & Secretary
Nigel Razzell – Treasurer
Chris Czainski
Paul Czainski
Christine Crowther
Jools Townsend

To see minutes of Committee Meetings, just click here or for the dates of any upcoming meetings just click here.